
Housitting/Hard Luck Creek Fire

Magan and I having a nice dinner and wine out on the deck during the ash fall from yet another new fire, 2.7 million acres so far in Alaska. This fire however is near Murphy Dome, very close to where Magan is house sitting (Jackson's) and then I am house sitting much farther down the road then that.

The yellow orange sky with limited visibility before it became nearly zero for the next day. The airport canceled flights and hard travel on the roads. We are surrounded on all sides with fires this year.
Tonight there was a community meeting for the Hard Luck Creek fire. We were given the map with the red line as the fire perimeter they think (too much smoke to tell yet for sure) and the blue line the point when they start to evacuate certain subdivisions....today though we have had rain all day, nice.

There were so many people they had to move the meeting outside. It was great to see all the communication and hopefully the firefighters can keep the fire at a safe distance. The incident base is at the bottom of Moose Mountain.

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