
good and bad days

yesterday my mom had to push me to all of my appointments in a wheel chair with a bag in one hand and a sprite in the other. today i am a knittin' fool. i guess that is how it is going to be here some good days and some bad days. this is the nice front porch at the Gift of Life Transplant House with rockers and i am way into rocking. blogging is not too exciting here, but i'll tell you chronic illness breeds knitters, the other night in the communal tv room watching the Olympics there was a whole group of us! currently, i am here until August 24th.

1 comment:

Sarah Petitto said...

Dea-good to hear everything went well on Friday and you are looking pretty fantastic! Must be all the warmth and sunshine and of course all our awesome wishes from Fairbanks along with your super positive attitude. So are you taking requests for knitting? ~scp